Board Game?
After the community vote Package 3 won, which means there will not be any plans to create trading cards - right now!
Build A Machine Headz Board Game!
In theory, this would be a fun and unique idea. In practice, however, it would be very time-consuming and expensive. Initial ideas would be to create an easy-to-learn, fast-paced game with the goal to conquer the other Clans. Strategy would be involved, but the gameplay would be fast-paced so that the game could be played and completed in a relatively short amount of time.
For this to work, we probably need a larger set of NFTs and a slightly higher mint price to cover the printing cost. It is a lot of work, but it can be done, however the time from mint to actually get the game will be long. At least 8-12 months + the shipping time. If the community likes this option and is willing to pay extra, this is an exciting option. How would the production work? As previously mentioned, this would be very time intensive; with approximately a year of production. A very simplistic production flow could look something like this:
Create prototype gameplay mechanics
Test, test, and test
Design all art and graphics create a physical prototype
Planning for print and distribution, collecting orders from holders
Send out
Have a beer
This would be very fun to create, but it would take a lot of time and resources. If we proceed with this, the community must show patience. There are a lot of time-consuming elements here, like creating a real prototype, play testing, printing, shipping, and so on. It might sound like I am against it - I am not - but it is very important everyone understand the workload.
Last updated