

The $KIMO Token

The Kimosbe Art Token $KIMO is created to reward NFT owners. By staking Kimosabe Art NFTs you will earn rewards. $KIMO will be used to enter raffles and to mint limited collections (in the future). The total supply is 10 million tokens. The token holds no monetary value and will only be used for utility, therefore it will not be listed on a DEX. The only way to receive $KIMO is through staking or buying from other users. How to stake? For the staking we will be using the Mutants Labs service. Connect your wallet to https://labs.mutant-nft.com/projects/mutants?tab=staking and choose the NFTs you want to stake. You can both stake onchain or offchain (non-custodial). When staking offchain the NFTs will remain in your wallet. Connect your wallet to Mutant Labs to activate both staking options. Double rewards Since Mutant Labs are connected to Cardano Lands through an API you can stake both on Cardano Lands for $HEXO and on Mutant Labs for $KIMO. You will receive rewards for both. More instructions about the Mutants staking can be found here: https://mutants.gitbook.io/mutant-labs/guides-users/how-to-stake-and-claim-your-rewards What can you do with $KIMO? The token holds no monetary value, the two main purposes of the $KIMO token are to enter regular raffles to win prizes. This can be different things like merch, 1/1s, NFTs, ADA, NFTs, and more. We will see what we can find. Second, the token will be used to mint some limited collections only available with the $KIMO token. Limited Collections NFT owners will have the opportunity to mint limited NFT collections using the $KIMO token.​

Claim rewards? You can claim your $KIMO tokens here: https://labs.mutant-nft.com/rewardsRewards

Staking through Cardanolands

Cyberpunk S3 will be listed through Kimosabe Art on the Cardanolands staking platform. And you can stake any of your Kimosabe Art NFTs - including Cyberpunk S3 NFTs. Just connecting your wallet (Eternl or Nami wallet) on their website. https://cardanolands.com/ The NFT remains in your wallet, you can check your staked NFTs in the ‘inventory’ menu. By staking your Kimosabe Art, you’ll earn rewards in HEXO token. Since we 100% control our votes you will receive staking rewards continuously for all Kimosabe Art.

HEXO token

More info about HEXO: https://medium.com/@CardanoLands/hexonium-a-guide-to-our-in-game-currency-its-utilities-and-massive-upcoming-update-4f457eff62e6 You can also vote for Kimosabe Art by purchasing EXO token there. To race Kimosabe Art to the higher rank in the leaderboard.


To add value to the $KIMO token we have added a raffle system from Mutant Labs. This means you will be able to join weekly raffles to win some fantastic prizes by getting raffle tickets. These tickets are obtained with the $KIMO token, if you stake more NFTs, you will get more tokens to enter raffles with. Meaning a higher chance of winning the raffle. How to enter the raffle? In our Discord we have a channel called "Raffles", this is the place where we will post all raffles. If you find a raffle you want to join just click the link to the Mutant Labs platform, connect your wallet and get your raffle tickets. Here you find more info on how raffles work on the Mutant platform: https://mutants.gitbook.io/mutant-labs/guides-users/faq-raffles What to win? We aim to hold weekly raffles with the possibility to win a large variety of NFTs. But we will also on occasion add more exclusive raffles to win non-crypto-related prizes. For example merch, gift cards, printed art, t-shirts and more.

Last updated