🤩How to mint?

Mint date: 26th February 09.00 UTC

The minting link: https://saturnnft.io/mint/8b2cf415-107e-4bfb-8478-a5652b0b7d70 Minting will be done with Saturns minting service and will range from 10 ADA to 35 ADA or 300 $KIMO to 1000 $KIMO depending on if you own any previous collections. You will have the option to both mint with ADA or $KIMO. This is the first collection you can mint with $KIMO, it is not supposed to be the main payment method for this collection, but more of an extra benefit if you have a lot of $KIMO. Future collections will be $KIMO dedicated with a lower $KIMO price.

Minting tiers

Cyberpunk Samurais discount: 10 ADA or 300 $KIMO Cyberpunk S2 discount: 25 ADA or 600 $KIMO Clan Leaders discount: 15 ADA or 300 $KIMO Public mint: 35 ADA or 1000 $KIMO

Last updated